Maple Ginger Seedy Granola

I love this granola. It fuels my body with high quality nutrition in the morning, with that touch of sweetness. Typically I serve it with fresh or warmed berries and a splash of nut mylk or coconut yogurt. I love the texture of the seeds and flaked coconut. The warmth of the ginger and irresistible sweetness from the maple add a depth of flavor. Coconut oil is packed with healthy fats, specifically medium chained fatty acids which are quickly processed in the body to create sustained energy. Coconut oil is also high in caprylic acid which has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Coconut has been so important on my healing journey. I absolutely adore da’ coconut, especially when it gets all toasty in the oven. Pumpkin seeds are another favorite because of their delicious taste, and nutrient density. They are notably high antioxidants, manganese, magnesium and iron which have a myriad of supportive benefits for the body. I could go on and on about why I love every ingredient in this recipe, but I’ll leave this short and sweet so you can get to making some Maple Ginger Seedy Granola!

Here’s what you’ll need.


  • 3 TBSP virgin Coconut Oil

  • ¼ cup real Maple Syrup

  • 1½ TBSP fresh ground Ginger Root

  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract

  • ¼  tsp Sea salt

  • 1 tsp Ashwagandha extract powder (optional)

  • 1 tsp Cordyceps extract powder(optional)

  • 2¾  cups of any combo of shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, black or white sesame seeds, chia seeds or hemp seeds (this time I used ⅓ cup shredded coconut, 1 cup pumpkin seeds, 1 cup sunflower seeds, 2 TBSP chia and ¼ cup hemp seeds and it turned out amazing!)


  1. Preheat oven to 300° F

  2. Melt coconut oil in a saucepan just until melted. Take off the heat.

  3. Mix in ginger, maple, vanilla, sea salt and (optional) adaptogenic herbs until thoroughly combined.

  4. Add in your seeds and coconut to coat seasoning evenly.

  5. Line a baking sheet with a silicon baking sheet or parchment paper.

  6. Spread granola mixture evenly baking sheet.

  7. Bake in oven at 300° F for 20 minutes, stir, then bake again for 20 minutes.

  8. Let cool thoroughly, untouched so the clusters can take shape.

  9. Store in an airtight container or mason jar.

  10. Enjoy!

Serve with fresh or warmed berries, nut mylk or coconut yogurt! This time I made a creamy buckwheat porridge, fresh banana and warmed raspberries for a hearty, warming accompaniment. Enjoy :)


Carrot Cauliflower Ginger Soup