Holiday Market at Fika

Holiday Market at Fika

Holiday Market at Fika Maine 9am-12pm. Think complimentary hot cocoa and festive music! Get your last minute treats, stocking stuffers and gifts from local creators. I’ll have cozy herbal tea blends, bottles of blueberry+ginger shrub for your holiday bevy’s and cranberry+habanero fire cider to keep things spicy all winter long. Hope to see you there!

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Wreath Making Workshop

Wreath Making Workshop

I will be making wreaths (with you!) at Root Wild Kombucha from 4-6pm. Join me and craft your own ten inch wreath with clippings from the pristine mountains of western Maine. I find the process of making evergreen wreaths to be both joyful and meditative. It activates all the senses: the feeling of the clippings on my hands, the fragrant aroma of balsam fir, the slow sweetness of wrapping wire around the ring, all ending in the creation of something beautiful. $30 includes all materials (ring, wire, evergreen clippings, pine cones, ribbon, sumac berries, dried citrus). Limited space available.

Sign-up here!

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